探花 91 14 【写稿备考锦囊】2023读后续写高分起原和落幕

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探花 91 14 【写稿备考锦囊】2023读后续写高分起原和落幕

图片探花 91


14   读后续写高分起原和落幕


第一部分       精彩起原 (一----- 六 )

第二部分       精彩落幕 (三----- 九 )

第三部分       模拟进修

一  ...............   非谓语起原

二  ...............   副词起原

三  ...............   刻画词短语起原

四  ...............   对话或独白起原

五  ...............   配景描画

六  ...............   举止描画

七  ...............   主题升华

八  ...............   首尾呼应

九  ...............   寄情于景

十  ...............   读后续写模拟进修

第一部分     精彩起原

一   非谓语起原

1.Looking around him cautiously, he slipped into the room and softly closed the door.

他谨防翼翼地环视四周,溜进了房间,轻轻地关上门。这里的非谓语动词短语“Looking around him cautiously”预料是:谨防翼翼地环视四周。


第二段起原:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.这对双胞胎把早餐端到楼上,把母亲唤醒了。

Meeting their smiling eyes,Mother felt confused until they presented the breakfast and said“Happy Mother's Day”见到他们浅笑的眼睛,母亲感到困惑,直到他们端上早餐,说“母亲节欢叫”。本句中的起原,用了doing的面容,Meeting their smiling eyes即:见到他们浅笑的眼睛。

3.辅导句It was daybreak when Jane woke up. 简醒来的技能天也曾亮了。

Feeling refreshed, she continued to walk along the stream to find the way out.

她感到沁人心脾,持续沿着小溪散布,寻找出去的路。这里用feeling refreshed的面容,很好地体现了后一个动作“walk”的随同景象。

二  副词起原

1.Carefully, he stepped over all the broken glass.他谨防翼翼地踩过了所有这个词的碎玻璃。

2.Joyfully,he skipped up the street.他很欢叫地跳过了街谈。



第二段起原的辅导句是:The video was posted th Monday before Halloween.


Surprisingly, it became a hit that the video start racking up hundreds of thousands of views.


三  刻画词短语起原

1. Curious to know what was inside, he tiptoed into the dark cave.

他艳羡地想知谈内部是什么,踮着脚尖走进了暗澹的洞穴。这里的“Curious to know what was inside们(很想知谈内部有什么东西)"等于刻画词短语,标明他进洞穴的原因。终点于:He was curious to know what was inside, and he tiptoed into the dark cave. Unable to say a word, he was rooted to the spot.一句话也说不出来,他就愣在了原地。这里的“unable to say a word”亦然一个刻画词短语,进展了“愣在原地”这个动作随同动作:说不出一个字。


第一段起原给的辅导句是:Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.


Afraid that I might hurt the lovely small creature,I automatically let out a cry to stop my horse.


第二段起原:We had no idea where we were and it got dark.咱们不知谈我方在那处,天变黑了。

Exhausted and hungry, I wondered if we could find our way back.


四   对话或独白起原

1.“Let's see who gets there first!”Rachel shouted, as she pedaled fast and zoomed past Jenny.



第一段起原著述给的辅导句是:The car abruptly stopped in front of him. 汽车倏得停在他眼前。

“Get into the car.” Paul shouted at Mac.


五   配景描画

1.The world was loaded with a sea of darkness.I was seized with the roaring power of nature. A sense of horror creeping up on me.


2. 故事粗鲁:作家与忘记的姆妈一块去旅游的故事。

第二段起原的辅导语是这么的:We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.(咱们开车穿过了几个州,一谈看到了许多好时局。)

I looked out of the car window, winding rivers, lofty mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys, holding me entirely in their fascination.


六   举止描画

1.Furrystarted wagging his tail and running a round in circles when he saw his master taking a leash out from the drawer. Furry was all ready for his evening walk.



著述的第一段的辅导句是:The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.(第二天,咱们想起了咱们带来的阿谁全新的帐篷。)

Dad exchanged a glance with me. Why not camp to satisfy Mom?


第二部分   精彩落幕


七   主题升华   回顾履历造就

句式1  直到当时,某东谈主才意志到…

Only then did sb.realize...倒装句

Only than/did the children realize that/their help really matters. 直到当时,孩了们才意志到他们的匡助果真很迫切。

Not until then did sb.realize...倒装句

句式2  要是莫得此次经历,某东谈主就不会有契机学到这么一课。

Had it not been for this experience,sb.would not have got the chance to learn the lesson that...编造口吻

Had it not been for this experience,the children would inot have got the chance to learn the lesson that they can really make a difference.


句式3  恰是此次经历让某东谈观点志到/学到了…

It was this experience that made sb.realize/learn that...注重强调结构

It was this experience that/made the children realize that difficulty is nothing compared with unity.


八  首尾呼应 细节呼应


1.起原:I had an interesting childhood. It was filled with surprise and amusements, all because of my motherlov ing, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her

落幕:Despite mom's being absent-minded and forget ful,she was still a kind and nice mom

2.起原:It was summer and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before.He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.

落幕:Never had I had such a thrilling yet dangerous vacation before. The special trip to the Wild West was deeply engraved in my mind.

3.起原:A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day

落幕:What a funny day. Arthur couldn’t stop laughing whenever he looked back on this hilarious(搞笑的) experience.

九  寄情于景


Seeing sth.,sb.felt as if it had been ...saying“…”


A tear or two slipped from sb.'s eyes, rolled down sb.'s cheeks and dripped onto+sth,which,as if by magic,had turned into+比方.


The story/picture/scene/words kept lingering/echoing in sb.'s mind ever since.Evennow,sb.be constantly reminded of the experience,where sb.got the lesson that...

十  读后续写模拟进修

阅读底下材料,凭据其本体和所给段落起原语续写两段,使之组成一篇竣工的漫笔。续写的词数应为150傍边。Once upon a time, in a small village in Turkey, there lived a mother and her son.The son was known by all as Bald Boy because even though he was still quite young he had no hair on his head at all.Bald Boy and his mother were very poor indeed and so each day Bald Boy would take up his basket and went out into the woods in search of food.One day, as he was searching the forest floor for mushrooms, Bald Boy was sure that he could hear a young girl crying.When he looked up he noticed a little squirrel(松鼠)sitting on the branch of the tree above his head.The squirrel was crying inconsolably(无法劝慰的)and so Bald Boy took the little creature in his arms.He comforted her and told her that everything was going to be okay.When at last the squirrel stopped crying,the two friends got to talking and the Bald Boy explained how he lived with his mother and how they were very poor."I need to come into this forest each day in search of food because we have no money,"he told the squirrel.It was then that the little squirrel said,"You have been very kind to me today so I am going to help you in return."Then the little squirrel jumped out of Bald Boy's hands and said,"Follow me." The young boy followed the squirrel through the forest for many hours until they reached a cliff edge(峭壁边) that could see the green valley below."You must climb down this cliff,"said the squirrel."When you reach the bottom you will find the Forest Queen.She will ask you three questions and you must answer them all correctly to receive the prize."

注重:1. 所续写漫笔的词数应为150傍边;2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的起原语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1: The squirrel climbed up onto Bald Boy's shoulder and whispered...______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: "If you do not answer correctly,"she said in her cold voice,"then...______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1:The squirrel climbed up onto Bald Boy's shoulder and whispered the answers to the three questions in his ear. Then she jumped down and ran back into the forest.Bald Boy made himself a rope,then climbed down the cliff edge and made his way to where the squirrel had told him the Forest Queen lived.When she saw him approaching, the Queen stopped Bald Boy and demanded that he answer three questions.

Paragraph 2:"If you do not answer correctly,"she said in her cold voice,"then you will lose your head.""How many cherries are growing on this tree?""Where is the middle of the earth?""Which is the heavier of these two apples?" Confidently,Bald Boy spoke out the answers the squirrel had already told him.The Forest Queen could not deny that all three answers were correct and so she unwillingly handed Bald Boy a large bag of gold that was his prize. He thanked the squirrel in his heart and happily returned home to his mother with the gold.




【点睛】著述主题部分采选的是一般夙昔时,续写部分也用一般夙昔时,通篇时态把捏准确;词语哄骗适当况兼高档,显露出较高的英语能力;著述中还使用大批的复合句,为著述增多色妥洽高档感,如Bald Boy made himself a rope, then climbed down the cliff edge and made his way to where the squirrel had told him the Forest Queen lived. The Forest Queen could not deny that all three answers were correct and so she unwillingly handed Bald Boy a large bag of gold that was his prize. 这里的宾语从句和定语从句相集会使用探花 91,显露高档的英语水平,精确掌捏了从句使用的表率;续写部分构想奥妙,衔尾当然,想路显然当然,抒发竣工,为一篇优秀的作品。
